Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird Audio Book

This audio book is based on the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the main character is a young girl named Jean Louise Finch. Her nickname is Scout. There were many events in Scout’s life that changed her. She has a brother called Jem and they were raised by a father lawyer called Atticus. The background of the story centers on racism and discrimination towards the black.

The story starts with Scout who was 6 years old and her brother was about to enter the 5th grade. Scout and her brother met a young boy named Dill. Unlike them, Dill came from a broken home and this is the first instance where Scout was awaken to the different quality of life that exists at that time.

Together with Dill, Scout and Jem were fascinated with a man named “Boo” Radley who had been suppressed and had never seen outside his home in years. To them, Mr. Radley is a large, ugly and evil man.

Then, a case happened. Tom Robinson, a black man was accused of raping a while women whom she was dating. The lawyer who defended Robinson was Scout’s father, Atticus. During the entire trial, Scout was frequently teased by her friends because of her father’s decision to defend a black man.

Mr. Robinson was found guilty and was sent to the jail. In an attempt to escape, Robinson was shot dead. The alleged rape victim’s father, wanting to take revenge on Atticus for defending Robinson and making him looked bad in court, tried to kill Scout and Jem. It was Mr. Radley whom they had always thought as evil and ugly came to the rescue.

He could easily kill the attacker with his size and strength. Even though he had killed someone, he was not tried for murder as he was seen as defending Scout and Jem.

Why the title “To Kill a Mockingbird”? At one Christmas, Scout and Jem got air rifles as present. They were taught by the father that it is a sin for them to kill a mockingbird because all that a mockingbird wanted to do is to sing to them.

In this audio book, Robinson is seemingly similar to a mockingbird. Even though he is a kind person, he was prejudiced because he was black. It was a case where society tried to finish him off because they see it as a great embarrassment for a while lady to fall for a black man.

The story also presents the theme of hope. Even though the entire society as prejudiced against the black, there is still Atticus who was willing to represent and defend Robinson. The message of the story was that at all times of the society, no matter how bleak, there always exist good people who will stand up for justice.

When you listen to the audiobook, you will also experience how the character Scout develop and change through all the episodes that happened in her life. First was Dill that represents another world in terms of life quality. She also learns that not all courts are just, and that good people can also suffer as a result of injustice.

Her perception about Radley also had changed when he saved her and her brother. It was also a story of how on personal levels, all of us are guilty of injustice as we frequently like to look down on others. The message sent by the book is not only about prejudice in the society, but it carries a deeper soul-searching element for all of us.

If you are doing a project on “To Kill A Mockingbird”, you may want to get a study guide. The SparkNotes guide is excellent and it contains:

* Summaries of every chapter with thorough Analysis.
* Explanation of the key Themes, Motifs, and Symbols including:
* Gothic Details
* Small-town Life
* Mockingbird
* Boo Radley
* Good and Evil
* The Education of Children
* Social Class
* Detailed Character Analysis of Scott, Atticus, and Jem.
* Identification and discussion of Important Quotations.
* A summary of Key Facts, a 25-question review Quiz, Study Questions and Essay Topics to help you prepare for papers and tests.

There are many places where you can buy To Kill a Mockingbird audio book. You may also rent them if you do not wish to buy them.

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